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    My Skincare Routine for Congestions and Clogged Pores: Elucent Skincare Review

    I’m so excited I can finally share about some products from my skincare routine for congestions and clogged pores!

    I started weaning my son from breastfeeding shortly before he turned one in September, and boy did my skin hate me for that! I thought pregnancy acne was bad, but no one ever told me weaning acne would be far worse! To top it all off, seasonal changes was also a culprit. I had at least two new cystic acne appearing every week and my pores congested with tiny, skin-colored bumps with new ones appearing every day.

    I started on the La Roche Posay Effaclar System Kit, as I mentioned in my latest Empties: Buy Or Bye? post and it tremendously helped clear up my cystic acne, but it stopped there. After all my cystic acne disappeared, I was left with tons of red spots and discoloration, and my pores were still very much congested – all throughout my T-Zone and jawline.

    About 2-3 weeks ago I started using some products from the Elucent Anti Ageing range, and I was so shocked to see the results. I can’t believe the vast improvement I’ve been seeing on my skin.

    Check out my before-and-after photos and reviews of the products below. I will share my whole my skincare routine for congestions and clogged pores soon!

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