
Move for Movember!

Did you know that our fathers, brothers and friends face a health crisis that isn’t being talked about? Men all over the world are dying too young and some of the deaths are actually preventable!

The goal of the Movember Movement is to encourage men to be more aware of their health, be it physical or mental, and to be more active so as to improve their health and wellbeing. By being more aware of their health, family history and health lifestyle, illnesses like cancer can be detected earlier, thus reducing the number of preventable deaths.

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard the phrase:

Grow a mo, save a bro.

Men are growing out their mo’s (or moustaches) in November as part of the Movember movement, but how can women support Movember? We for sure can’t grow mo’s!

Read on to find out 😉


In Australia today…

  • Men, on average, die around four years younger than women
  • 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85
  • Suicide is the leading cause of death for men aged 15 – 44 years
  • On average, 5 men each day take their own life
  • Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men
  • More than 3,300 men with prostate cancer will die in 2016
  • Testicular cancer is the second most common cancer, behind skin cancers, in young men aged 18 – 39 years
  • 36 years old is the average age of a man diagnosed with testicular cancer.

Being the only daughter with two brothers and being a mother of two boys, these facts really bothered me. I love all the men in my family and can never imagine any of those things happening to them. I knew I had to do something about it!


So, what can we do about it?


Move for Movember!

Men aren’t the only ones who can help raise awareness for Movember, women can join in too!

One way women can get involved is by joining the Move Challenge.


What? Why? When? How?
Get active for men’s health. Raise funds for men’s health while you do something good for your own health. Anytime, anywhere, during the month of November. Sign up at and set yourself a Move challenge!


Move Challenge

movember_37955901610-moveWhat’s a Move Challenge you ask?

It’s a challenge to get yourself physically active to raise funds for men’s health.

From the big (running a marathon) to the brave (learning how to surf) to the slightly outrageous (working out in costume), the Move Challenge is all about pushing yourself to reach your personal best.

By doing the challenge, you can get your friends and family to donate to your Move to raise funds for men’s health.


Movember Vision

The Movember Foundation raises funds that deliver innovative, breakthrough research and support programs to enable men to live happier, healthier and longer lives.

They are currently funding more than 1,200 men’s health projects around the world focusing on prostate cancer, testicular cancer and suicide prevention.

The Movember Foundation aims to reduce the number of men dying prematurely, halve the number of deaths from prostate cancer and testicular cancer and reduce the number of men taking their own lives.


Are you ready to Move?

To take on the challenge, simply sign up at!


Disclaimer: This post was supported by the Movember Foundation.

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